COLORS contest happened from July 2nd until November 20th of 2012.
The curatorship chose the 3 best videos, each one received US$500 and the Minute Trophy. The sponsor AVON chose 1 video to win the acquisition prize of US$ 2.000! Besides, the public on facebook chose the best video that won the Minute Trophy.
Overall the COLORS contest gave US$ 5.000 in prizes (One Minute Festival and Minuteen).
Check out the awarded:
Infrared landscapes, of John Marchant - Normandia – UK.
I see you, of Olga Tatiana Poliektova - St. Petersburg – Russia.
Revolve, of Oscar Lhermitte - London – UK.
Película Tecnicolor, of Gustavo Batistello - Chapecó/SC - Brazil.
PelículaTecnicolor, of Gustavo Batistello - Chapecó/SC - Brazil