Terms of Use and Rules

Considering that:

(i) The Festival of the Minute is a video festival of up to 60 (sixty) seconds, whose trademark was registered at the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI, by the company UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI (CNPJ 66.708.900.0001-04) what granted it the exclusive right to hold the Festival do Minuto in Brazil and abroad;

(ii) The company makes available to the participants of the Festival do Minuto a website at www.festivaldominuto.com.br, which is an integral part of the services offered by the Festival do Minuto;

(iii) On that website, interested parties have access to the Terms of Use and the Regulations of the Festival do Minuto. After accepting the terms and conditions of both regulations, interested parties will be able to register, which is formalized by completing the registration form and sending, via the website, the files of videos, images and texts;

(iv) After registration, each participant becomes a formal user of the website http://www.festivaldominuto.com.br;

(v) The users of the website are legally responsible for the information provided and the videos - containing images, sounds or any other content - sent by them (users), of their authorship or under their legal responsibility;

(vi) The website www.festivaldominuto.com.br means this internet address as well as all domains and internet addresses related to the utilities offered by Festival do Minuto, such as: www.escoladominuto.com.br, www .minutoescola.com.br, www.oneminutefestival.com or other portals that may be created;

(vii) The Minuto Festival is also known by other names, such as Planeta Minuto, 1 Minuto, Um Minuto, One Minute Planet, Minute Planet, One Minute, Nano Minuto among others.

(viii) The Festival do Minuto is organized and coordinated by its Curator committee, which is responsible for all creative and administrative choices for the Festival and related services and events;

(ix) The curator committee's job is to select, organize and evaluate the content uploaded to the site, under its own artistic criteria;

(x) Content is a work made in any type of media, including video, audio, image, photo and text.

Acceptance of Terms of Use:

1. By registering for the Festival do Minuto, the user must accept these Terms of Use:

1.1. The user declares himself fully capable of accepting the Terms of Use, being of legal age.

1.1.1 In the event of the registration of minors, the legal guardians undertake to authorize the action by means of an electronic signature, required at the time of registration.

The organization of the Festival do Minuto may change and update the Terms of Use at any time, without prior notice, and it is always the user's responsibility to check the latest version, which will be available on the Festival do Minuto website indicated above.

1.2. Acceptance of the Minute Festival Regulation:

When registering and submitting films to Festival do Minuto, the user automatically accepts the Festival do Minuto Regulation (see Annex below).

The user declares himself fully capable of accepting the Regulation of the Festival of the Minute, being of legal age or being duly authorized to accept it by his/her legal guardian by filling in an electronic signature upon registration.

The organization of the Festival do Minuto may change and update the Regulation at any time, without prior notice, and it is always the user's responsibility to check the latest version, which will be available on the website.

2. About the use of the website festivaldominuto.com.br:

2.1. The utilities provided on the website www.festivaldominuto.com.br include:

a) The sending and sharing of videos, images and texts;

b) Availability of material and messages produced by users that solely reflect the opinions of these users and not the opinions of Festival do Minuto or its legal guardians;

c) Sending messages and communications to registered users through emails, RSS feed, SMS and messages on registered users' personal pages;

d) Links to third party websites that offer additional services to users. In this sense, the user must be aware of the terms of use of each site, as they are not directly related to the utilities made available by Festival do Minuto;

e) Making available the content sent by users to the Festival do Minuto website to Festival partner websites and channels.

Festival do Minuto does not guarantee that the use will be on the air full time, nor is it responsible for any inconveniences that the non-operation may cause to users.

2.2. About the Festival of the Minute:

The content sent may include a vignette of the Festival and/or its sponsor, and will be organized into categories and themes within the website www.festivaldominuto.com.br, according to the website's own organization criteria.

The content entered will be evaluated by the Festival's curators committee and the best evaluated will receive the minute trophy, according to the categories or themes in which they were entered or, depending on the case, according to the categories or themes assigned to them by the Festival's curatorship.

Exceptionally, there may be prizes in cash or in products or services, informed on the contest hot site.

Festival do Minuto may unilaterally refuse the inclusion of content on the festivaldominuto.com.br website, as well as remove from the air any content, at any time, that does not respect copyright, the Brazilian Penal Code and current legislation.

3. User responsibility:

By submitting content to Festival do Minuto, through the website www.festivaldominuto.com.br, the user expressly declares and warrants to be the owner or possessor of all rights and licenses necessary for its exhibition, including - but not limited to The:

a) Rights to use the image and sound of voice of people, places or things that appear in the content;

b) Rights to music used as a soundtrack or incidental to the video;

c) Law on texts that appear in the contents;

d) Video script rights, rights or text licenses that have served as inspiration for the content;

e) Right to archive images appearing in the content, when they are not in the public domain or Creative Commons.;

f) Patent rights or license to use third-party information;

g) Or any other copyright or intellectual property rights that may prevent or violate the commercial or non-commercial display of the content.

3.1. The user undertakes to:

a) Do not send any content containing vulgar, defamatory, prejudiced, pornographic images or sounds or that violate the Brazilian Penal Code and current legislation;

b) Not violate the privacy of third parties or disrespect third parties racially, religiously, ethically, professionally or in any other way.

c) Not to use, copy or archive the contents of other Festival users without authorization from their owners;

d) Not to use, copy or modify the contents of other users to create new contents without proper credit.

3.2. Indemnity:

The user agrees to exempt the Festival do Minuto, UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI and other companies and individuals involved in offering the use, as well as their partners, customers and sponsors, from any losses and damages arising from failure to comply with the Terms of Use and the Regulation of the Festival do Minuto, or losses and damages arising from any type of legal violation generated by the video(s) sent.

The user shall indemnify for damages to those who claim, in addition to indemnifying the Festival of the Minute, UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI. and the other companies and individuals involved in offering the use, as well as their partners and customers, for the damage caused.

3 Privacy:

4.1 In order to register, the user provides and agrees to collect and store information that may include his name, email, address and date of birth. At the time of registration, the user is allowed to choose whether or not to receive messages by email.

4.2. The processing of this data will be carried out for the following purposes: identification of mandatory authorship and proof of civil capacity, mailing by consent, identification on the website (login), delivery of awards, location of content creation for illustration of the map.

4.3. The user is aware and agrees that his name, city, as well as the contents sent to the website www.festivaldominuto.com.br and any information related to them will become public. This means that the information and content sent and published on the Festival do Minuto website will be available to all users who wish to access them.

4.4. Users can request the deletion of their personal data at any time by sending a message to contato@festivaldominuto.com.br

4.5. All information collected is used for the sole purpose of promoting and carrying out the activities of the Festival do Minuto. With the exception of public exhibition on the website, Festival do Minuto does not share information with third parties.

5. Final provisions:

5.1 Tolerance:

Tolerance in relation to the provisions of the Terms of Use and the Regulations of the Festival do Minuto shall not constitute a precedent for disrespecting what is hereby agreed.

5.2. Forum:

The Terms and Regulations of the Festival do Minuto are governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The parties elect the Central Court of the Judicial District of São Paulo, Capital, to settle any differences arising from this agreement, with express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.

Annex Regulation of the Minute Festival

1. Who can participate:

1.1. People from anywhere in the world can participate in the Festival of the Minute, that is, who are in Brazil or any other country.

1.2. Employees, employees, partners/shareholders of Um Minuto Produções Culturais EIRELI and of the sponsoring companies are prohibited from participating in the Festival of the Minute, as well as their respective relatives up to the 2nd degree and spouses and any persons directly involved in the execution of the Festival do Minuto.

2. Format of videos:

2.1. The videos can be taken on any type of equipment that produces moving images: video camera, digital photo camera (photo sequences), cell phone camera, computer animation, etc.

2.2. The accepted file formats for uploading videos are .wmv, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .divx, .xvid, .avi and .h264.

2.3. The maximum file size to be uploaded is 500 Megabytes for videos and up to 50 Megabytes for gifs.

2.4. It is recommended to send the video in HD.

3. Duration of videos:

3.1. Videos must be at least 01 (one) second and at most 60 (sixty) seconds long, including credits. A maximum tolerance of up to 03 (three) seconds will be given.

4. Obligation of credits in the content sent:

4.1. The content must have credits from those responsible for its realization, including credits for the soundtrack, images and other third-party materials.

4.2. Credits must be included regardless of whether the material used is Creative Commons or in the public domain.

4.3. Photographs, phonograms and movies and sounds that are in the public domain must be credited to the video.

4.4. The user can use and modify other works present on the Festival do Minuto website, which now has its contents in Creative Commons. Again, the insertion of credits for these works is mandatory.

5. Number of videos and registration:

5.1. There is no limit of videos to be uploaded per director.

5.2. Registration is free, but to be able to send videos, you must complete a user registration on the website www.festivaldominuto.com.br (or at one of the Festival do Minuto internet addresses informed above) and accept the Terms of Use, as well as the Regulation of the Festival of the Minute.

5.3. In addition to the registration form, additional information will be requested for each video submitted.

5.4. All videos uploaded through the website and that comply with these Regulations will be considered registered in the Festival do Minuto.

6. .gif images:

6.1. Festival do Minuto also accepts images in .gif format in contests or specific themes. The maximum file size in Gif format is up to 50 Megabytes.

6.2. As explained in items 3 and 4, the user must follow the responsibility policies and the obligation to credit the .gif contents sent.

6.3. When sending the .gif, the user must compulsorily fill in the image credits field.

7. Theme:

7.1. The user can submit their content to a specific theme or category, as indicated during the online submission procedures. It will be at the discretion of the Festival curator to include the content in other themes or categories.

7.2. The user can submit the same content to as many contests as he/she wishes as long as their content addresses the contest's theme. The same content can only be entered in other contests within the period of the current year in which the video was entered.

8. Awards:

8.1. The best content chosen by the curator or audience will receive minute trophies at the end of each theme or contest.

8.2. The Festival's organization may postpone or cancel the awarding of categories or themes that do not obtain a large number of contents registered or at its sole discretion.

9. Deadline for registration:

9.1. There are specific entry date limits to compete for the awards in each theme or category, as well as the annual award, which occurs at the end of the year, or at the beginning of the following year.

9.2. Date limits information can be found along with the explanation of each topic or category.

9.3. At the discretion of the Festival organization, deadlines may be extended.

10. Assignment of rights for the promotion and cultural dissemination of content:

10.1. The author/director or content owner grants, free of charge, to Festival do Minuto and UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI all rights to their content(s) sent to the Festival, for a period of 5 (five) years, automatically extendable for the same period, successively, for its dissemination and cultural dissemination in the following modalities:

a) The broadcast or exhibition in journalistic programs in any type of media, in full or in part, for the dissemination of the Festival do Minuto;

b) The placement, exhibition or dissemination in cultural centers, museums and other non-profit cultural establishments, inside and outside Brazil;

c) For the production of Festival do Minuto catalogs on DVD, electronic catalogs - or formats that may replace it - for non-profit cultural dissemination and dissemination;

d) To promote the Festival do Minuto on the Festival do Minuto website and on Portal channels or websites that are partners of the Festival;

e) Promotion of the Festival of the Minute on TVs or other media that have a partnership agreement for the promotion of the Festival;

f) On the website (or in DVD format) on activities related to the education of the Festival do Minuto, located at www.festivaldominuto.com.br or www.escoladominuto.com.br; www.minutoescola.com.br or www.videonaescola.com.br

g) The assignment of rights covers the possibility of reproduction in Brazil and abroad, except in specific cases, where there is a written agreement between the author / director or owner of the video and UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI;

h) The author/director or owner of the video authorizes the removal of the sound, as well as the reduction in the size of the credits of their videos, if this is necessary for exhibition in any of the media described above;

i) The transfer of image, excerpt, full or edited and adapted content for the exclusive dissemination of themes, contests, news and events of the Festival do Minuto or of Minuto Escola, on portals linked to the Festival, to Minuto Escola and on social media;

j) In Minuto Móvel exhibitions, mini-truck of the Minuto Festival that displays the Festival's collection in public and private schools, Universities, squares and public places.

11. Creative Commons.:

11.1. Um Minuto Cultural Productions Eireli adopts Creative Commons licenses by default. The user can decide which license to use for each content sent to the Festival, including:

a) Attribution - CC BY. This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from your work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they give you credit for the original creation. (https://br.creativecommons.org/licncas/);

b) Attribution-Share Equal - CC BY-S. This license allows others to remix, adapt and create from your work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they give you proper credit and license new creations under identical terms. All new works based on yours will have the same license, so any derivative works will also allow commercial use (https://br.creativecommons.org/licncas/);

c) Attribution-No Derivatives - CC BY-ND. This license permits redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, provided that the work is distributed unaltered and in its entirety, with credit attributed to you (https://br.creativecommons.org/licncas/);

d) Attribution-Non-Commercial - CC BY-NC. This license allows others to remix, adapt and create from your work for non-commercial purposes, and although new works must be credited to you and may not be used for commercial purposes, users do not have to license these derivative works under the same terms. (https://br.creativecommons.org/licncas/);

e) Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Equal - CC BY-NC-SA. This license allows others to remix, adapt and create from your work for non-commercial purposes, as long as they give you credit and license the new creations under identical terms (https://br.creativecommons.org/licncas/ );

f) Attribution-No Derivatives-No Derivatives - CC BY-NC-ND. This is the most restrictive of the six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them as long as they credit you, but without being able to change them in any way or use them for commercial purposes (https:// /br.creativecommons.org/licncas/);

Festival do Minuto adopts as standard the license "f. Attribution-No Derivatives-No Derivatives - CC BY-NC-ND", if you want to use another type of license, enter the user page to choose the video and the license you want to use.

12. Termination of contract:

12.1. The author / director or content holder may request the removal of their content from the Festival do Minuto website 90 days after the end of entries for the contest(s) in which the video is entered. Any request before this date is subject to approval by the Festival's curatorship.

13. Curatorship and omitted cases:

13.1. The curatorship and creative decisions of the Festival do Minuto, including the choice of awarded videos, are the exclusive responsibility of UM MINUTO PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS EIRELI, or of the people, companies or partners to whom these decisions are delegated, and cannot be questioned under any circumstances .

13.2. The missing cases will be resolved by the organizing committee of the Festival do Minuto.

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