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Best Minutes of 2012


Best Minutes of 2012

The public’ voting for THE BEST MINUTES OF 2012 happened from April 15h to 28th of of 2013.

The video with the highest average vote, which received US$500 and the Minute Trophy, was:

Tá na hora da aula (de artes) (It's time to art class), of Tiê Pilger Nicolai, Brazil

Besides, a selected jury chose the three best videos of 2012. Each one won US$500 and the Minute Trophy:

Arrivé de la couleur, of Bruna Sanches - Brazil

I See You, of Olga e Tatiana Poliektova - Russia

Membranes Theory I, by João Paulo Vicentini Franz- Brazil

To check out all the videos that received Honor Mention by the jury, click here

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