Minute School - Teachers

MINUTE SCHOOL contest happened from April 9th to November 20th of 2013.

The curatorship chose the best videos of “Teachers” and “Students of High School” categories and each one received US$ 500 and a Minute Trophy. And for the “Students of Elementary School”, the curator chose the 3 best videos to receive a Minute Trophy and the public on facebook chose the best among them to win US$ 500.

Check out the awarded of each category:



Curatory choices

A minha vizinhança, by Heric Avelar - Ribeirão Grande - Brazil

Gogui Come, by Arthur Rodrigues - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Pàrcahàc: festa de fim de luto, by Carlucio Jahhe Kraho - Goiatins - Brazil

Escolha do público

Gogui Come, by Arthur Rodrigues - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


Missão Impossível, by Luisa Ferreira - Santos - Brazil


mc prof tiê - fã que não vai durar (funk), by Tiê Pilger Nicolai - São Paulo - Brazil

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