Black and White

BLACK AND WHITE contest happened from September 2nd to November 30th of 2013.

The curatorship chose the 3 best videos, which received a Minute Trophy and the public on facebook chose the best among them to win US$ 500.

Check out the awarded:


Eu nunca gostei de videogame (I never liked videogame), by Roberto Limberger - Campinas/SP – Brazil

Miobius and figure-of-eight, by Alexandra Kuznetsova - Moscow - Russia

SCALE, by Anna Celarek - Darmstadt - Germany

Transfiguração Funcional (Functional Transfiguration), by Svenja Tiger - Berlim - Germany


Eu nunca gostei de videogame (I never liked videogame), by Roberto Limberger - Campinas/SP – Brazil

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