Filmmaker, if your video has been featured in the One Minute Festival, we invite you to upload a "Making Of" about how you did your video.
We suggest you follow this script:
1. How did you have the idea to make your video?
2. How was the process of production? Did you make the video alone? How much did you spend? Talk about your difficulties to make the video.
3. How was the editing process? Talk about the effects, sound, images and cuts.
4. What do you think about the One Minute format?
5. Talk about anything you find relevant.
You can create the "Making Of" with new images or the images of your original video. After uploading it, your "Making Of" will go through the curatorial evaluation and will be published on the site. Finally you can post a comment on your original video about your "Making Of " version.
The time should not exceed 3 minutes.
The best "Making Of" video wins US$ 250!
Deadline 30th November 2015.