
The Soccer contest happened from April 30th to August 3rd 2014.
The curatorial team chose 2 best videos, which received the Minute Trophy + US$ 500 each, and 2 honourable mentions. which received the Minute Trophy each. The public on facebook chose the best among them to win US$ 500.
Check out the awarded videos:

Best videos
Clássicos, by Gabriel Argenta - São Paulo / BRAZIL
Vixi Boy Dei Valor, by Thiago Brunno - Natal / BRAZIL

Honourable mentions
Intervalo, by Pedro de Freitas Veneroso - Belo Horizonte / BRAZIL
Na hora do gol, by Jéssica Puga de Moraes - São Paulo / BRAZIL

Vixi Boy Dei Valor, de Thiago Brunno - Natal / BRAZIL

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