Best Minutes of 2013
All the videos that are part of the Best Minutes of 2013 Program are competing for the prize of Best Video of last year in two categories: Best Video chosen by the public and Best Video chosen by the jury.
The public voting will be done through this hotsite, from May 12th until May 21st. The video with the best evaluation (with the highest average vote - one decimal plane), will win a US$ 500 prize. In case of a tie of the note, the video with more votes will win. Remember that only the votes made in the little stars below the video will be accounted, the facebook "likes" won't be considered. The awarded video must have at least 50 votes.
To vote is necessary to sign up in the Minute Festival website and log in. Choose a video in the right side, watch it and choose the number of stars corresponding to your vote. It is not necessary to watch all the videos at the same time, you can come back later to finish watching and voting.
You can vote until May 21st.
These videos are also competing for the prize of Best Video chosen by the jury, that will will work as follows: each member of the jury will vote in 3 videos. The video with more votes among those will win a prize of US$ 500. This year the jury will consist of the following professionals of Cinema and Culture:
Paulo Morelli (Filmmaker)
André Sturm (Filmmaker and director of the Museum of Image and Sound in São Paulo)
Paulo Sacramento (Filmmaker)
Renato Nery (Cinema Coordinator of the Department of Culture of the city of São Paulo)
Simone Iliescu (Actress)
The awarded videos will be announced on May 22th, on the Minute Festival website and on the Minute Festival's social networks profiles.