One Minute University

People from the universities, put your ideas into a camera, a professional one or a smartphone, and make a video of up to one minute!

Deadline EXTENDED until November 30th.

Prizes: R$ 5,000 * + Minute Trophy
(5 prizes of R$ 1,000 * + Minute Trophy for the best videos chosen by the curatorial team, 1 Minute Trophy for best video chosen by the public)

The feature videos will be available for free in Vivo TV.

To submit a video it's necessary to be a college student, of any course and practice area, in Brazil or abroad! If you already have signed up on Minute Festival's website, you need to update your information and put your university.

The One Minute Festival University is sponsored by Vivo.

* The value of the prize is in brazilian reais and will be converted to dollars using the exchange rate of the day of the payment.

Project made with the support of Proac

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